Norway has a wealth of fish swimming in her waters but knowing what is poisonous or even what they are called is never easy when travelling to a new land. We have collected drawing and translated all you need to know for your future fishing holidays.



Perch , Abbor Perca fluviatilis more
Ballan wrasse, Berggylt Labrus bergylta more
Greenland Halibut , Blåkveite Reinhardtius hippoglossoides more
Cuckoo wrasse, Blåstål Labrus bimaculatus more
Bream, Brasme Abramis brama more
Anglerfish, Breiflabb Lophius piscatorius more
Tusk, Brosme Brosme brosme more
Pike, Gjedde Esox lucius more
, Gjørs Stizostedion lucioperca more
, Gråsteinbit Anarhichas lupus more
Greyling, Harr Thymallus thymallus more
Garfish, Horngjel Belone belone more
Whiting, Hvitting Merlangius merlangus more
Haddock, Hyse / Kolje Melanogrammus aeglefinus more
Halibut , Kveite (Hellefisk) Hippoglossus hippoglossus more
, Lake Lota lota more
Salmon, Laks Salmo salar more
Ling , Lange Molva molva more
, Laue Alburnus alburnus more
Pollack , Lyr Pollachiuspollachius more
Hake , Lysing Merluccius merlussius more
Mackerel , Makrell Scomber scombrus more
, Mort Rutilus rutilus more
Plaice, Rødspette Pleuronectes platesse more
Char , Røye Salvelinus alpinus more
Sand flounder, Sandflyndre Limanda limanda more
Saithe , Sei Pollachius virens more
, Sik Coregonus lavaretus more
Herring, Sild Clupea harengus more
Sea-run-char, Sjørøye Salvelinus alpinus f. salvelinus more
Sea-trout, Sjøørret Salmo trutta f. trutta more
Flounder , Skrubbe Platichthys flesus more
, Stam Leuciscus cephalus more
Cod , Torsk Gadus mohua more
Greater argentine, Vassild Argentina silus more
, Vederbuk Leuciscus idus more
Trout (BROWN), Ørret, Aure Salmo trutta f. lacustris more
Eel , Ål Anguilla anguilla more

Showing 1 to 38 of 38