
Halibut  (Kveite (Hellefisk))

Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Part of the flounder family but they are best known for there size. They can
grow up to 400kg and be 4 meter long, Due to over fishing fish over 150kg
are not that common. All large halibit are females, males only grow around
70kg. Normally they live in deep water but they do come into sand banks
along the coast.
Spawning takes place in the deep (700m) sand banks along the coast and
fjords. When they are born they have eyes on both sides of their heads. As
they grow their left eye moves to the right side of their body. They range
the entire North Sea but they need high salt content and water temperatures
below 10 degreases Celsius. A fish of that size needs a huge supply of food
this consist of cod, Squid, and other small and large fish

